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Choose Your Donation Plan
Orphan Sponsorship
7.50£Every weekWeekly donation- Nutritious food
- Clothing
- Educational opportunities
- Comprehensive healthcare
Orphan Sponsorship
30£Every monthMonthly- Nutritious food
- Clothing
- Educational opportunities
- Comprehensive healthcare
£5 a month
5£Every month- Your donations help us
- to continue providing
- aid and support
- to people in need
£10 a month
10£Every month- Your donations help us
- to continue providing
- aid and support
- to people in need
30£Every month- This donation could be
- a lifesaver for those who
- most need your support.
£50 a month
50£Every month- Your donation could change
- the lives of those sturuggling
- agaisnt poverty and adversity.
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